gain clarity.
unlearn old rules that hold you back.


One-on-one sessions designed to get at the heart of things. Whether crystalizing your vision or surfacing limiting beliefs, get clarity so you can get going.

Is Coaching Right for Me? 

Many clients are professionals who feel a disconnect, feel ‘stuck’ or are looking for what’s next. You don't have to know where or why you free disconnected or stuck, that's for us to figure out together. 

See the World Differently

With a focus on your who, powerful questions and insight surface - then release – old beliefs we all have that hold us back.  

Live More Consciously

Sometimes we're on autopilot, reacting to our world, whether being cut off in traffic or not getting that promotion. 

Improve your life satisfaction and performance in any area with heightened self-awareness .

Create Purpose

Feeling disconnected, that there is more to life, boredom - all are indicators that we're not aligned to our values or our purpose. 

Distill your values so you can live them. Re-ignite your passion through creation of your purpose. 

Figure Out What's Next

"What do you want to do?" stops many of us in our tracks.

Find what's important to you and what you really want, then create your action plan to get there.

Work & Life: Balance / Integration

Unable to "turn off" work after hours? Not finding time for you or your family?

Success does not require suffering.

Create balance without remorse. Discover peace through integration.

Being a Better Parent

Kids are masters at pushing our buttons, whether an eye roll or a temper tantrum.

Whether it's toddlers or teenagers and beyond,
reduce your stress and deepen your connections with your kids.

Military Life & Transitions

Military life and transitions, are incredibly stressful.

Whether it's a PCS, thinking about getting out, or recently separated, I get it because I've been there. 

You are more than your MOS. 

Push through the turbulence so you can break your sound barrier. 

What is Coaching?

Whether you are new to the idea of coaching or have been coached before, learn more about what coaching is... and isn't. 

My Coaching Philosophy

Coaching is a partnership, and to find the coach that is right for you, it can be helpful to understand a coach's coaching philosophy. Here's mine.

Now Offering the Energy Leadership® Index Assessment

The Energy Leadership® Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. And, it’s only available through an iPEC Certified Coach.